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Our paper, 'On Generalized Planning for Controlling Opinion Networks: Interpreting Human-AI Dialog States and Beliefs' is accepted in the AAAI-25 Generalization in Planning Workshop.

Our paper, 'Disseminating Authentic Public Messages using Chatbots - A Case Study with ElectionBot-SC to Understand and Compare Chatbot Behavior for Safe Election Information in South Carolina' is accepted in the AAAI-25 AI for Public Missions Workshop.


Kausik Lakkaraju, Rachneet Kaur, Sunandita Patra, and Biplav Srivastava presented a tutorial on Evaluating and Rating AI Systems for Trust and Its Application to Finance at the 5th ACM International Conference on AI in Finance (ICAIF-24), New York, USA, Nov 2024.

Our paper, 'A Vision for Reinventing Credible Elections with Artificial Intelligence' was accepted in the AAAI-25 Senior Member Program.


Our student paper, 'Towards Enhancing Road Safety in South Carolina Using Insights from Traffic and Driver-Education Data' was accepted in the AAAI-25 Student Abstract and Poster Program.

Our magazine, 'AI-Assisted Research Collaboration With Open Data for Fair and Effective Response to Call for Proposals' was accepted at AAAI AI Magazine, 2024.

Our paper, 'Building a Plan Ontology to Represent and Exploit Planning Knowledge and Its Applications' is accepted at Eighth International Conference on Data Science and Management of Data, India, 2024. For more details, visit Planning-Ontology.

We have launched ElectionBot-SC, a chatbot for voters to help get information about 2024 elections in South Carolina. See a demo and participate in IRB-approved studies.

Biplav Srivastava participated as a panelist at the University of South Carolina School of Law’s symposium titled “AI and Elections” on Oct 4, 2024. Click here for more details.


Our paper, 'Towards Effective Planning Strategies for Dynamic Opinion Networks' was accepted at Thirty-eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Vancouver, 2024 for poster presentation.

Kausik Lakkaraju started his internship at Mayo Clinic (Sep - Dec 2024).


First patent of AI4Society issued! We are pleased to share that our patent titled "US 12,067,983 – Robust useful and general task-oriented virtual assistants" [tags: chatbot monitoring, execution] has been officially issued by USPTO.

Vishal Pallagani finished his summer internship at IBM Research.

Nitin Gupta, pursuing his bachelor's at University of South Carolina, has joined us as an Undergraduate Researcher.

Our paper "AI-Assisted Research Collaboration with Open Data for Fair and Effective Response to Call for Proposals", an extension of our previous work at IAAI-24, is published at AI Magazine, AAAI-2024.

We have presented our work on "Improving SC Roads Using Insights from DoT Traffic Data" to South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC), South Carolina Department of Public Safety (SCDPS), National Safety Council Southeastern Chapter (NSCSC). For more details, click here.


Vishal Pallagani started his summer internship at IBM Research, where he will be working on selective state space models and sequential decision making.

Our group will present their work at the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS) from June 1st to June 7th.


Our group will present their work at the upcoming Discover USC event on April 19th.


Our group will present their work at the upcoming CSE Research Symposium on March 15th.


Our group was involved at the premier AI conference, AAAI 2024, with:

Our group has lead the University of South Carolina in getting itself included as a collaborator with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for the Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute Consortium (AISIC). [announcement, members]

Vishal Pallagani got elected to the Student Committee of the AAAI - the international Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence!

Likitha Valluru successfully defended her dissertation proposal on February 2nd: Trustable Methods for Group Recommendations With Application to Team Formation.


Rushil Thareja is joining us as a new Ph.D. student.

Likitha Valluru will present a demo paper at CODS-COMAD 2024 conference (Group recommendation). We are also co-organizing the tutorial track for the conference.


Vishal Pallagani will present a paper at Neurips 2023 workshop on Generalized Planning (LLMs and Planning).

Biplav Srivastava will participate with two posters at Americal Geophysical Union (AGU) (AI and water).


Kausik Lakkaraju is presenting one paper each at IEEE TPS and ACM AI and Finance (ICAIF) conferences (AI trust).


Vishal Pallagani completed second internship at IBM Research, invited for next summer as well.


Sai Teja Paladi graduated with a Master's degree in Computer Science. He helped our team in developing and deploying various tools.


Kausik Lakkaraju secured the best graduate student poster presentation award in the Computer Science department for his work on 'Rating of AI Systems through a Causal Lens' at the Discover USC event.


First physical/virtual conference on Collaborative assistants for the society, 16 Oct 2020, (CASY 2020). Had 140 registered participants from around the world.

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