AI for Society (AI4S) group at the AI Institute is focused on enabling people to make rational decisions despite real-world complexities of poor data, changing goals, and limited resources by augmenting their cognitive limitations with technology. Lead by Prof. Biplav Srivastava, the group works in neuro-symbolic methods, trusted AI, and applications of data-driven methods to society.
We focus on innovating and applying AI techniques for hard problems facing the society with an inclusive, value-driven, focus.
Vishal Pallagani completed second internship at IBM Research, invited for next summer as well.
May 2023
Sai Teja Paladi graduated with a Master's degree in Computer Science. He helped our team in developing and deploying various tools.
April 2023
Kausik Lakkaraju secured the best graduate student poster presentation award in the Computer Science department for his work on 'Rating of AI Systems through a Causal Lens' at the Discover USC event.